Film Screening: Aurora's Sunrise


Դեկտեմբեր 14, 2023
08:00 pm - 10:15 pm (CET)
Rue de l'Hôtel des Monnaies 52
Brussels 1060
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Event details

This animated documentary, directed by Inna Sahakyan in 2022, will be screened as part of the CCLJ's engagement to work on history and remembrance. The film will be introduced by Céline Gulekjian (AGBU Europe), and the screening will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
This event is organized in partnership with the Belgian Collective for the Prevention of the Crimes of Genocide and Against Negationism.

Organized by: AGBU District of EuropeCentre Communautaire Laïc Juif David Susskind (CCLJ)

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