
Born and raised in Moscow, AGBU AVC e-learner Karina Airapetova and her family have always valued the importance of remembering and honoring Armenian traditions. Although Karina did not visit Armenia often, she continued to speak the language in her ancestral Lori dialect.
One day, she discovered the AGBU Armenian Virtual College (AVC), where her Armenian proficiency improved significantly through the AVC courses. “At home and with relatives, we constantly speak in Armenian. However, many of my acquaintances speak their local dialects, while I try to speak in literary Armenian and understand them at the same time,” says Karina.
During her studies at AGBU AVC, she appreciated the diverse community of learners, noting that "it was nice to see Armenians from all over the world, as well as people of other nationalities interested in the Armenian language and culture."
Over time, her studies at AGBU AVC extended beyond language learning. She also enrolled in the Armenian history courses, finding them "very interesting and educational."
“The most important thing I have learned thanks to AVC is not to be afraid of communicating in Armenian with unfamiliar people. I have become more confident in using my knowledge of the Armenian language and history,” she says.
Karina’s ancestors came from Vanadzor, Karabakh and Western Armenia. “I have rarely been to Armenia, but on the way from Yerevan to Vanadzor, I have always been overcome with emotions, a bittersweet mix of pride, joy, and sadness. Because life goes on its own way here, and I, being far away, am unable to keep up with it,” she recalls.
Karina strives to preserve the Armenian culture and written heritage outside Armenia, and that is why she plans to continue her studies at AGBU AVC. “My education has positively influenced my life, and I recommend AGBU AVC courses to anyone who wants to learn the language in a convenient format and connect with like-minded people,” she says.
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